
Saturday, 9 September 2017

Mapping MIDI Velocity to Two Ableton Live Parameters

Dual Velocity Mapper_mr

Whilst there are quite a few M4L 'Velocity-to-Parameter Mapping' utilities available, I couldn't find many multi-channel versions, so I made a two channel utility, called 'Dual_Velocity_Mapper_mr' (DVM_mr), and available from as usual. DVM_mr has an easy setup mode, that lets you quickly set the offset and depth of the 'velocity to parameter' mapping, and re-uses the Ableton parameter mapping control from their LFO device. 

To use DVM_mr, you click on the 'Setup' button (in between the two big blue buttons near the centre) and then map each of the blue buttons to a parameter inside the synth you want to control. You then move the mouse from left to right and this causes notes to be generated at different velocities, so that you can see and hear the effect of the velocity changes on the parameters. Moving the mouse up and down (on the screen, forwards and backwards from the mouse-viewpoint!) changes the pitch of the notes. This speeds up the setup phase quite a lot, and makes it quick and easy to map velocity to two parameters. To clear the mapping, you just click on the 'X' buttons. The 'Invert' button inverts (turns 'upside-down') the MIDI velocity, so that higher velocities produces lower values. 

The mapped parameters shown in the DVM_mr screenshot might be a useful starting point for further exploration...

The Velocity Mapper_mr M4L MIDI Effect is available from

(Yes, this is extracted from a previous blog post, because it was hidden away at the end, and I thought that it deserved better visibility!)


  1. This is great. It would be nice to restrict velocity to a split of the keys.

  2. @Digiphex You can split by velocity inside an Instrument Rack by using Velocity Zones. If you add a 'Velocity' effect in the Rack then you can adjust the Velocity so that low velocities as played are sent higher to the actual instrument. In the same way, then you can put Velocity Mapper inside a Velocity Zone inside an Instrument Rack, and so restrict the velocity control to a split range.
