
Saturday, 10 November 2018

Ableton Loop 2018 - 'Start Here' Creative Challenge - My 'Too Late' Entry

One of the interesting bits of this year's Ableton Loop event (in Los Angeles instead of Berlin) was the 'Start Here' Creative Challenge, where a sample was provided and you had 12 hours to submit a 90 second piece of music using it.

Here's the start-here web-page that gave the background instructions.

My Non-Entry

Well, for me the timing wasn't good (PST is awkward in Europe), and so what with one thing and another I didn't get my piece finished in time, so I have put it on SoundCloud instead. I used only the sample provided, and I used a lot of stuff from my MaxForLive devices as found on this blog and available from Overall, it took me about 90 minutes to create. I could have spent more time (the original challenge allowed 12 hours in total), but since I had already missed the deadline...

There's a lot of sample manipulation of the basic sample, taking my research on residuals and using it to do unusual things to the timbre. I also used flams (OK, reverse flams, as a Facebook person corrected me recently) on short sample fragments (there's a point where flams and granular cross over...), and my usual Auto-Pan and reversing of audio. Basically, everything I do, I did, which explains why I ran out of time - although the visualisation running in my head was a major distraction. (You will see what I mean when you hear the track!)

Given the title of the original sample: 'Snow' then I was particularly pleased at the crunchy 'snow' sounds that I managed to produce. Again, it helps to have the context - so imagine what the two words: 'Snow' and 'Chase' suggest to you...

And finally, here's the SoundCloud piece: 'The Chase 02' that didn't make it into the 800+' entries. Enjoy.

The Sample by Flora Yin-Wong

Flora Yin-Wong was asked by Ableton to produce a sample for the challenge. It's a wonderfully atmospheric snippet of ambient music, with a diverse content eminently suited to re-use by producers.

Here is some collected information on Flora Yin-Wong to save you the effort of searching the Interweb:

Twitter: PetitFlo

Flora tweeted: " asked me to create a sample loop to be used by producers for their Loop challenge - v interesting to hear ppl’s reworks:"

SoundCloud: floraytw

Lots of interesting tracks and a live set from Boiler Room. Granular, Paulstretch, mixes of real and digital, and fascinating textures a-plenty. I can understand exactly why Ableton asked her to provide the sample!

Events: Sat, 24 Nov 2018, Flora Yin-Wong at Grow, Tottenham, London, UK

Grow Tottenham is an interesting mix of gardens, community and event space, etc.

Interview in As If: interview-flora-yin-wong

A bit more depth on her music, her techniques, etc.

Cafe OTO: flora-yin-wong

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