I'm going to start by talking about an older product, but so that I get a picture of the new product on the Interweb, then I have to include it here, first. So here is: The Rebel Technology Witch:
The Rebel Technology Witch |
I've mentioned Rebel Technology before... I like their open hardware, open source, 'open' approach to making synthesis and audio processing devices, and so I bought an OWL effects pedal from them, added a footswitch (one of the advantages of making technology open is that you can easily get the circuit diagrams, and other technical design details!), wrote some Gen patches for it, and generally loved it. OWL1 OWL2 I still do!
Rebel Technology's OWL Pedal |
(In a world where guitar pedals continually try to out-do each other with eye-catching designs, the OWL still managed to be spectacularly bold! IMHO)
So, here we are, a few years later, and Rebel Technology asked me to help them with beta testing of a forthcoming new device! I was overjoyed, of course, because it was like several generic mid-December festivals/holidays all at once! In those years, of course, things have changed a lot, except, in this case, the size of the device, and the Gen programmability (plus lots of other programming languages!). So, here's the device for which I have been one of the beta testers... The Rebel Technology Witch... (and that picture again!)
Rebel Technology's Witch
As you can see, the influences for the Witch are very different to the OWL. There are bits of Eurorack (the 3.5mm patching jacks), bits of desktop synths (the knobs and the four buttons), and modern MIDI design (USB host socket, USB socket for WebMIDI).
What you can't see are polyphony, versatility, MPE, a Class Compliant Audio Interface and lots more. Although some of the OWL patches will run on a Witch, there's more processing power and broader capabilities in the Witch. There's also lots more detail about the Witch on the Rebel Technology web-page:
https://www.rebeltech.org/product/witch/ Pre-built and kits...
In a world where programmability is rapidly becoming the norm, how do you design something new and different? The Witch is a perfect example of one way to go in a very different direction, by combining programmability with patching, and mixing up bits of modular synth flexibility with desktop accessibility. The first break from tradition is those patch sockets. You are probably expecting them to be for just hooking the Witch to a Eurorack modular system, and you would be half correct. But those sockets are also outputs for the internal LFOs (or envelope followers, or whatever else you program them to do), and those sockets next to the buttons control the buttons - with the buttons controlling functions inside the software running on the Witch. So a button might trigger a note, or sustain a note, or change the audio routing so that the sound goes through a filter, or through an audio effect, or change the algorithm used for an audio processing algorithm, or tap-tempo for an LFO, or a gate, or... (whatever can be programmed...)
And whatever the button does, you can activate it using the associated socket. The four main rotary controls also have jack sockets inputs as well, and so you can control them via patching as well. Actually, you can use them as Offsets, or as CV Attenuators, because there's a tiny black 'Mode' button right in the centre that provides extra control over what does what.
So you can patch the Witch itself, using its own sockets - an LFO might be connected to control the time of a delay, or the frequency of an oscillator, or the cutoff frequency or a filter. Or an envelope might be used to control the delay time of an echo, or anything else. But here's the really interesting bit - the CV output and gate sockets are programmable as well, so whilst the factory synthesis patches have LFOs assigned to those four red sockets, there's nothing that stops a programmer assigning them to other purposes. One of my (coming soon) patches outputs an envelope follower, for example. So this isn't patching replacing a modulation matrix, it is open and reconfigurable modulation sources (and destinations) as well. Another of my 'coming soon' patches outputs LFOs that run at different rates to the ones that are used inside the patch running inside the Witch. I'll say that again in marketing speak: if you've wanted to have a different LFO rate for the filter mod, the phaser and the stereo panning, then the Witch can provide those LFOs, and if you derive them from the same master LFO, they will track each other... You just need to hook the Witch to a phaser and a stereo panning module...
A quick reminder before you get too focussed on hooking it up to modular again - the Witch isn't just something that you can connect up to a modular Eurorack system (or, actually any synth!), it is, itself, a tiny reprogrammable, modular synth that you can patch to control itself. This kind of goes against one of the paradigms that you often see in many modular synth modules - they are designed to be patched to other modules, and it is quite rare for a module to patch itself. And that patching is between sources and destinations that are also programmable! (Your jaw is allowed to be slack here...)
At this point, you might, like I did, be thinking about two Witches...(or more). A coven of Witches would allow you to program just about any functions you want (or can find a patch for, or can write, or can persuade someone to write for you) into the Witches, and then to patch them: locally on one Witch, or across/between the Witches. There's really only one word to describe the possibilities that this opens up:
Having something this flexible, versatile, patchable and totally programmable in a form factor this size is very probably a game changer for anyone who wants to explore modular synthesis (or add a little bit of extra synthesis power to an existing keyboard or desktop synth), but doesn't want to be tied to using a large monster of a rack. Actually, it is an interesting add-on for someone who has an array of keyboards, because that USB socket provides access to USB-MIDI, and so the Witch is an expander as well - except that this is an expander that kind of also eases you into modular. Desktop synths are another potential companion for the Witch, so just about anything synthy that has MIDI, USB or CV sockets is potentially suitable - so a Novation Circuit (OG or new), there's a YouTube video of a Witch and an
Ensoniq SD-1, or a Deluge, or... One way of looking at it is to consider the programmable modules that you can already get for modular synths, but turned into a stand-alone little box - that's what the Witch is. And if you like the sound of a totally programmable module, then Rebel Technology made one of these programmable modules in collaboration with Befaco - it is called the Lich:
https://www.befaco.org/lich/ So whilst most people think of a programmable module as a way of getting a custom module that does exactly what they want in their modular system, a Witch is not constrained to working as part of a modular system. it can be stand-alone, or work with other Witches, or work with a modular system. A Witch provides freedom to do whatever you want - want a wavetable synth (or a Speech Synthesis algorithm like Vosim, or...) to go with a Virtual Analogue synth: Done!. What did I do? I programmed a drone generator into a Witch and realised that it would be just a small part of my personal cabin baggage allowance for a flight... (whenever that mode of transport returns to whatever new normal eventually arrives...)
Someone, nay, several someones, is/are going to do something very interesting with Witches - of this I am pretty certain. It might not be immediately obvious (like Depeche Mode (and others) hiding their synths in those big black wedges on stage for some tours (which ages me a bit!)), but it seems like a very real possibility.
The Problem
When you have something that can be a VCO, a VCF, a complete wavetable synth, a VOSIM voice synthesis system, a sample replay box, a flanger/resonator, a couple of complex LFOs, and much more, then it gets difficult to make decisions. They say that the biggest spur to creativity is limitation, and whilst the Witch has limitations, it also has lots of flexibility. Possibly the most interesting thing about the 'Someone' that I mentioned is who they are - I'm expecting someone with aspirations and limitations, who has never had or used a large modular. These are interesting times. The mix of hardware and software seems to be reaching a critical mass, and that usually results in an explosion!
Yes, I am, indeed, biased. Having done some of the beta testing of Witch then I am way too close to be independent. This is why I'm not doing a full review of the Witch. For that I would point you towards Loopop, or Benn Jordan, or Andrew Huang, or CDM, or your favourite source of insightful comment and review.
But, I still know something interesting, different, and exciting when I see it! Full marks to Rebel Technology for stepping well off the 'path well trodden'.
In an astonishing break from normality, I have made some videos! They are, of course, slightly quirky, but you expected that, didn't you? Here you go:
#rebeltechwitch. - Hashtag for the Witch
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